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A secure client-side runtime that takes
the Web beyond the Browser and the Cloud.

Browser Compatible

It's compatible with the Web. All the code you've already written for the browser will "just work" in Socket.

Server Compatible

It implements most Node.js APIs so it can run local servers anywhere. Providing an instantly familar development model.


You don't need to learn any new langauges or development models. Use your existing code and ship your product faster.


It used to be true that native apps were faster. But Socket apps are GPU accellerated so they can run just as fast and smooth as native apps.


Uses the Operating System's WebView component, so it doesn't need to ship an entire copy of a browser with each app.

Batteries Included

You get access to all the native APIs you'd expect, like Camera, Filesystem, etc. Native extensions are supported for any langauge.

New Capabilities

Real-time & async P2P networking connect unlimited users anywhere — no servers or cloud services required.


Native features are hardened by build-time entitlements, user consent, and a fine-graned CSPs. Socket creates a true barrier between a developer's code and the user's OS.


It works the same way on every OS, desktop and mobile. Service Workers, Web Workers, WHATWG Fetch, etc.

Prototype Faster

Union App Studio is a playground app, like codepen — but for native apps.
It helps you develop, run and build apps, making it easier to test and share code.



Next.js Native

Powering Web Browsers, Servers, and now Native Apps.

Need Help?

Our customer success team will ensure you ship your app.